The UK's property market is slow. It has not returned to anything like the buoyancy of the pre-credit crunch boom era, when house prices rose at a steady and predictable rate. Therefore, like many people you might be somewhat concerned about the value of your abode at present. However, you are not completely at the mercy of the market. You can have some control over the issue yourself. For example, by ensuring that your home looks as good as it possibly can, you can raise the likelihood that you will be able to impress potential buyers and persuade them to part with more money. There are certain areas of your residence you might want to focus on when it comes to revamps, and flooring is one of them. This can have a major impact on the way in which people see your abode and so it is important you do not neglect the issue. One of the options you might want to consider is solid wood flooring. Here at Nagle Flooring we specialise is selling such provisions and should have the ideal product for you. Research suggests that 90 per cent of estate agents believe houses with real wood floors sell faster and for higher prices that those without such features. This is no great surprise. After all, not only do oak wood flooring and other similar provisions look fantastic and contribute significantly to the aesthetics of a residence, they are also highly practical. And, because of the fantastic value of our engineered oak floors and other offerings, you will not have to break the bank to introduce such changes to your home.