When you have solid wood flooring in your home, you want to keep it looking clean and beautiful. After all, scuffs, stains, and dirt don’t belong in a home with gorgeous Nagle floors. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to keep you Nagle floors looking clean and beautiful. 1.    Regularly mop with a soft, dry brush A soft mop will remove the majority of dust, dirt, and pet hair that may build up on hardwood floors. You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean you hardwood floors, but you should do so with great care as you can easily scratch floors accidentally this way. Mopping the floor daily is a good idea. You can also avoid build up of dirt and dust by requesting that people take off their shoes when they enter your home, or at least when they enter the rooms with a solid wood floor. 2.    Only Use a wet mop on coated floors Solid and hardwood floors should not be cleaned with a  wet mop unless they are coated with a polyurethane finish. Floors that are not treated in this way, or are unfinished, can be damaged if you use a wet mop. If you are not sure how your Nagle flooring was finished, or whether or not it’s okay to use a wet mop, contact us. We’d be happy to help you choose the best method for cleaning your floors. 3.    Use proper cleaning products It’s not wise to use homemade cleaning products on your wood floors. Although many people recommend polishes and cleaning solutions made from things like lemon juice or vinegar, these can actually be damaging to your solid hardwood floors, even if they are treated with a plastic coating. Choose brand name products with a known reputation to clean your floors if they are able to withstand some damp mopping. Do not use furniture polish on your floors, and if you are unsure of what products you can use, you can always ask us here at Nagle for advice. Do not use stain removers on solid wood floors unless they are finished with a plastic coating. If your floors are unfinished, varnished, or oil treated, do not use chemical stain treatments. Unfinished or varnished floors can be sanded gently to remove stains.  Varnished floors can be refinished to cover sanded down spots. These tips and tricks should keep your Nagle floors looking clean and beautiful for years to come. If you have a specific problem with your floor that you aren’t sure how to fix, feel free to get in touch with us. You can also check our blog for more tips and ideas. As a professional solid wood flooring company, we offer the most beautiful hardwood floors you can get for your home. If you’re considering getting new hardwood floors, we have a great range to offer including oak, walnut, kempas, merbau, and more. Any home’s beauty can be enhanced by Nagle floors. Take a look at our home page to see the fabulous products we have to offer.