Three Main Types Of Wooden Flooring

If you are looking for the best flooring solution for your house, wood flooring is an excellent option. If you want to know more about the types of wooden flooring available, here is a short summary of three of the most popular floor types: • Solid Wood Flooring. This type of flooring is 100 percent wood, and is a highly durable and stylish flooring solution. Even though solid wood floors are easy to maintain and long lasting, we do not recommended installing it in damp areas such as basements or with under-floor heating systems. • Engineered Wood Flooring. These floors are made of several wood layers that are stuck together, as opposed to individual planks. Engineered wood flooring is also a durable flooring solution. It is highly versatile as it can be installed in areas where solid wood floors are not suitable. This type of flooring is a cost efficient choice so if you have a limited budget but want good quality, engineered flooring is an excellent option. • Laminate flooring. The popularity of laminate as a flooring solution has been steadily increasing. Authentically resembling wood flooring, it makes a stylish addition to your home. It costs far less than solid or engineered wood flooring, and suits all budgets. Laminate is long lasting but is not as scratch or damage resistant as solid wood flooring.

Why It Is Worth Having Wooden Flooring

If you are unsure about purchasing wooden flooring for your home, consider the advantages that come with owning this type of flooring: • Durability- Wooden floors are robust and long lasting. Once you have installed wood flooring, you can relax knowing that this type of flooring won’t need to be replaced or refurbished for many years. • Easy to maintain- Wooden flooring is much easier to keep clean than carpets or tiling. A few minutes of dry sweeping is usually all wood flooring needs enough to look clean and brand new. • Stylish- Wooden flooring has an elegant, timeless charm that can enhance the décor of any home. It complements a wide range of interior styles, so whether your house features rustic or contemporary design, wood flooring will look great. • It enhances the property- Wood flooring can add value to your home, and increase its attractiveness to potential buyers if you decide to sell. • It is a healthy choice- Having wooden floors in your house is healthier than any other flooring. It is a great option for people with allergies as, unlike carpet, it does not collect dust.

Where To Buy Wood Flooring?

Nagle Flooring is the best place to buy wood flooring. We sell a range of flooring, including solid, engineered or laminate. Our skilled team is always ready to give you advice and to help you find the perfect flooring solution for your home. Do not hesitate to contact us by email or call 0208 424 0800 if you have any questions about our range of wooden flooring.